Author: emreiser

Celebrating all who have helped shape Promise Tracker over the years

Fruit of the labor of so many, Promise Tracker is the result of 6 intense years of dialogue, relationship building, experimentation, some successes and always much learning. Throughout the various stages of its development, from the creation of the prototype to the implementation of collaborative data collection campaigns on...

A new home for Promise Tracker in Brazil

After 4 years of collaborative development under the umbrella of the Center for Civic Media at the MIT Media Lab, Promise Tracker is officially venturing out to establish a new project home. As use of the platform has taken off in Brazil since its launch in 2015, members of...

Students take Brasília

On December 8th, I had the honor of joining nearly 800 students, teachers and public figures in Brasília for an incredible showcase of youth leadership in citizen oversight and community stewardship. The event was the final prize ceremony for the semester-log student citizenship initiative run by the Comptroller General’s...

University students take monitoring into public high schools

Over the past 2 weeks, 98 public accounting students at the Federal University of Pará (UFPA) visited 15 public high schools across the city of Belém to launch an unprecedented pilot program to monitor the quality of school lunches. Over the next 2 months, this team will train and...

Partners Summit in São Paulo

Last week in São Paulo, we gathered the incredible group of partners that have been working on the Phase 2 pilot of Promise Tracker in order to share learnings from the past year and discuss next steps for the project. This cross-sector all-star team included representatives from civil society...