New article from our partners: Engagement and persistence for group coproduction in public schools: why and when young individuals participate

This week, Promise Tracker Governance Committee members Lidiane Dias of the Federal University of Pará‘s Laboratory for Innovation and Oversight in the Public Sector, Marcelo Morais de Paulo of the Office of the Comptroller General (CGU) and Ivan Silveira da Costa of the Social Observatory of Belém together with André Aquino of the University of São Paulo published a new article sharing learnings from their groundbreaking school lunch monitoring campaign, launched in 2016 in Belém, Pará.

The paper discusses collaborative monitoring by public school students as part of a school lunch monitoring campaign in fifteen schools. The team interviewed a sample of participating students and identified two distinct groups — a more engaged cohort and a less engaged cohort. They noted that a relevant trait of the engaged group was that they identified themselves as responsible for the process of change in society. The article explores these finding and their relationship to previous studies of civic engagement in education.

The article was accepted to the 2018 University of Edinburgh’s International Research Society for the Public Management (IRSPM) Conference

Check out the full text of the article here and a big congratulations to Lidiane, Marcelo, Ivan and their collaborators!

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