Office of the Comptroller General publishes results from one year of monitoring school lunches
Over the years, the Promise Tracker team has had the pleasure of accompanying the groundbreaking Monitoring School Lunches project, created by a partnership between the Office of the Comptroller General (CGU), the Accounting Sciences Department at the Federal University of Pará and the Social Observatory of Belém. The project has...
Santarém school lunch monitoring featured in Porvir
We were proud to see our partners at Project SOL and the Student Movement Pact for Education in Pará featured in a new focus section published by Porvir on student participation in schools. Porvir, which focuses on innovation in education in Brazil, released a guide for educators on how to involve...
Initial findings from Pará
This month we’re excited to be sharing initial findings from the Phase II Promise Tracker case studies, developed over the past year with partners at the University of São Paulo’s Colaboratory for Development and Participation (Colab-USP). With support from Humanitas360, Phase II of the the project was launched in...
University students take monitoring into public high schools
Over the past 2 weeks, 98 public accounting students at the Federal University of Pará (UFPA) visited 15 public high schools across the city of Belém to launch an unprecedented pilot program to monitor the quality of school lunches. Over the next 2 months, this team will train and...
Monitoring school lunch in Santarém
On June 21st, middle and high school students in Brazil’s northern city of Santarém, Pará took to the streets in the city center to raise awareness about a crisis with school lunches. The event was organized by the Student Movement Pact for Education in Pará in partnership with the...