Public parks and transportation in Belém
We returned to the northeast this week to run a workshop in Belém do Pará with The Social Observatory of Belém. The group was fantastically diverse, including reps from the public prosecutor’s office, the secretary for the environment, the informal transportation collective, the community outreach initiative of the military police, architects...
Tracking sidewalk issues in Moema
On Saturday we accompanied a group organized by the residents association in the São Paulo neighborhood of Moema. We gathered in a cake shop with an eclectic group including local business owners, participatory councilors, a representative from the local branch of city hall and residents ages 22 to 70 including lawyers, engineers,...
Promise Tracker launches in São Paulo
On March 23, the Center for Civic Media and Rede Nossa São Paulo teamed up for the public launch of Promise Tracker and De Olho nas Metas....
Intro to Promise Tracker with Comunitas
On Friday we visited Comunitas to run an introductory workshop with the organization’s program staff and creators of the Brazilian civic app, The group created demo campaigns, discussed potential applications of the tool within the Comunitas network and explored some of the different engagement models between Promise Tracker and Colab....