Student Audit project launches in Belo Horizonte

Last week Belo Horizonte’s City Hall launched a new Student Audit project designed by the Comptroller General’s Office of the municipality in collaboration with Secretary of Education and the Comptroller General’s Office of the Federal District. Inspired by the School Audit launched in Brasília last month, the project invites middle school students across the city to monitor a wide range of infrastructure and services issues on campus using Promise Tracker and design solutions for the challenges they identify.
The project was launched in 9 public schools in Belo Horizonte with 360 student participants aims to strengthen the culture of citizen monitoring and engagement as a key element in maintaining and improving our communities.
For local press coverage, see:
Prefeitura lança o Projeto Aluno Auditor
Peça teatral marca lançamento do Projeto Aluno Auditor