Governance committee

Decisions about the technical platform the the direction of Promise Tracker are made by a deliberative committee of active users and maintainers of the project. The inaugural Governance Committee was launched in 2018 with the following members:

  • Eliana Mara Morais Santos (Im Memoriam)
    Project SOL
    Eliana was a high-school Mathematics teacher in the public school system in Santarém, Pará for 23 years. She was also the founder and coordinator of Project SOL for 17 years, a program developed by youth in public schools with the aim of fostering volunteerism, social oversight and civic participation. The project created the Junior City Hall initiative, in which adolescents took on political roles in order to address local issues such as school reform. Awarded nationally and internationally and serving thousands of students in various schools, Project SOL also created the Student Movement Pact for Education in Pará, a group of students from different schools underserved by the public education system in Pará. Together with the Public Prosecutor’s Office, students in the Movement used Promise Tracker as part of a larger campaign to promote discussion of and solutions to problems such as school lunches. Students awakened the need for greater participation in the city, promoting collaboration and improvement on key local issues.

  • Giovanni Bruno Freire de Aguiar
    Project SOL | Student Movement Pact for Education in Pará
    Giovanni holds a degree in Journalism and Social Communications from the Instituto Esperança de Ensino Superior (Iespes). He was an active member of Project SOL for 5 years, where he participated in the Junior City Hall initiative as a councilor. He was the leader of the Student Movement Pact for Education in Pará, a movement that fights to improve the quality of education, specifically in the municipalities of Santarém, Mojuí dos Campos and Belterra in western Pará.

  • Ivan Silveira da Costa
    Social Observatory of Belém
    Ivan is a career servant at the State of Pará’s Public Prosecutor’s Office as an accountant. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Accounting and Administration from the Federal University of Pará. Ivan is President of the Social Observatory of Belém and former President of the Superior Council of the Social Observatory of Brazil.

  • Lidiane Nazaré da Silva Dias
    Federal University of Pará
    Lidiane holds a PhD in Accounting and is a researcher and Adjunct Professor at the Federal University of Pará, where she coordinates the Laboratory for Innovation and Oversight in the Public Sector (LAIC-UFPA). Her research focuses on transparency and oversight in the public sector; corruption and inefficiency in the use of public resources; and innovation in the public sector. Lidiane coordinates the “Determining Factors of Public Transparency” and “Monitoring School Lunch” projects on behalf of UFPA.

  • Marcelo Morais de Paula
    Office of the Comptroller General – Pará
    With a degree in Electrical Engineering from the Federal University of Pará, Marcelo is the Federal Auditor of Finance and Control at the Office of the Comptroller General (CGU), where he has been working since 1996. He currently works as coordinator of the Center for Social Outreach and Corruption Prevention for the CGU in Pará.

  • Diego Ramalho Freitas
    Comptroller General of the State of Goiás
    Diego is a Public Manager, active in Transparency and Social Oversight, and has been a member of the Movement to Combat Corruption (MCCE) since 2009, the group responsible for organizing and approving the popular bill “Ficha Limpa”. In 2011 he created the “Adopt a District” project with the objective of creating mechanisms for social oversight in the Legislature of the Federal District. He was one of the creators of the “Civic Audit” project and visited more than 100 Brazilian municipalities, applying this tool for social oversight through the Inspection and Control Institute (IFC). In 2015, he assumed the position of Sub-Controller for Transparency and Social Control at the Comptroller General of the Federal District, where he was responsible for the Transparency Portal, Open Data Portal and for the Law on Access to Information. He was also responsible for the School Audit initiative, which organizes public school students to carry out a “civic audit” and then present solutions to problems they identify. In 2018, the program served 12,000 students in more than 300 schools in the Federal District.

  • Emilie Reiser
    Support Lead, Promise Tracker
    Emilie was Special Projects Lead for the Center for Civic Media at the MIT Media Lab and joined Promise Tracker in 2014 to lead the collaborative process of developing, piloting and launching the platform with partners in Brazil. Emilie left MIT in 2018 and continues to support the development and implementation of the project, which in now housed at the University of São Paulo’s COLAB. Dedicated to the exploration of new uses of technology to promote learning, participation, and more resilient communities, Emilie has worked on the collaborative design and implementation of tech & media projects in the United States, Haiti, Brazil and Sierra Leone.

  • Gisele da Silva Craveiro
    University of São Paulo, CoLaboratory for Development and Participation
    Gisele is a full-time professor at the School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities of the University of São Paulo in its Graduate Program of Social Change and Political Participation. She leads the CoLaboratory for Development and Participation (Colab-USP) and is also a lecturer on Open Government, Open Data, Online Civic Spaces. She leads award-winning initiatives such as Caring for My Neighborhood (Cuidado do Meu Bairro) and Monitorando a Cidade (Promise Tracker)